St Helena is committed to preparing students for the world of work in the digital age.

We teach students how to choose the best digital tool for the task and to use technology to work smarter and to adapt as circumstances demand.

Students at all year levels are schooled in IT literacies that enable them to research and problem solve, reorganise and analyse information, test and apply knowledge and to present data and findings.

We employ the IT teaching strategies that increase engagement and foster communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

All students are expected to be safe, responsible and ethical ICT users

Digital Ink Immersion

 New research underlining the power of the pen in learning influenced the decision to utilise digital stylus/pens at St Helena. Researchers have found that the physical movement of the pen promotes neural activity that governs all higher levels of cognitive processing and learning. Stylus technology therefore brings together the use of digital devices that foster creative, social and organisational capabilities and the sensorimotor benefits of handwriting.  

Having developed the habit of using this interface and experienced the associated advantages first hand, our students are well placed to make full use of their device going forward.


Compass is our school portal. It is the web-based school management platform students, staff and parents use to:

  • Communicate with teachers
  • Access information and resources
  • Facilitate learning
  • Post and submit tasks
  • Receive feedback
  • Monitor learning progress
  • Access reports
  • Make payments
  • Monitor attendance
  • Manage consent/medical requirements for camps and excursions
  • Order school photos
  • Schedule STRIVE interviews

1:1 Laptop Program

St Helena Secondary College commenced its 1:1 program in 2012, with the successful introduction of 1:1 laptop for all students. We believe that giving students immediate access to technology in a oneto-one program will help engage them in the learning process in new and creative ways. This enables our students to become increasingly skilled at using technology to access and present information, to problem solve and to work collaboratively.

Goals of the 1-1 Laptop Program

  • Laptops will be used to facilitate learning by allowing students to:
  • access, use, create and publish digital and online information
  • develop knowledge, understanding and skills through creativity, critical thinking and problem solving
  • collaborate with others, and
  • communicate, in a variety of ways, their knowledge and learning experiences.
  • Students use the laptops as a tool to manage their work and learning.
  • Students will develop age-appropriate ICT skills and understandings, including the responsibilities of online citizenship.
  • Students will accept responsibility for:
  • their personal actions when using ICT, and
  • the care and functionality of their laptop.

Why have we selected the Hybrid Tablet PC as the 1-to-1 device option?

The Hybrid Tablet PC is an innovative form of ICT that is particularly well suited to learning environments. It was chosen for the following benefits:

  • Compact size, ease of transport and design means it can be used in almost any learning situation,
  • the long battery life will allow it to be used all day at school without recharging,
  • a device that could be a replacement for paper textbooks and alleviate the need for so many textbooks to be carried around in student bags,
  • a common tool for each student that would meet most of their day-to-day technology needs and that would help engage students in learning 24/7,
  • a device that would be easy to use and easy to support,
  • a device that will be effective over the next 5 years (given that it is well cared for), and supports Windows 11,
  • the level of interactivity and highly diverse modes of use will support innovative learning opportunities not possible with other forms of ICT, and
  • a touch screen device.

In essence, the Hybrid Tablet PC is the ideal device for anywhere, anytime learning.

Why does my child need a Hybrid Tablet computer?

  • Handwriting is still an important tool. The Hybrid Tablet’s stylus facilitates digitised handwriting that will better prepare them for effective learning.
  • Notetaking is a critical learning skill. Whilst many students can touch type, drawing and labelling diagrams is much easier on Tablet computer.
  • Curriculum has been created and will be delivered using OneNote. We are trying to offer a multisensory learning experience.
  • OneNote is the digital workbook / portfolio for students.
  • The majority of learning resources are electronic (eBooks). Worksheets such as Word documents can be completed and answered in handwriting and submitted and stored online.


You have questions. wE have answers.

We appreciate that getting a computing device can be a daunting process and it is a significant investment. Below are the answers to some of the most common questions families ask about the St Helena Laptop Program. You can also  refer to the “1-1 Laptop Program Handbook” above for detailed information.

What sort of device will my student need?

At St Helena our IT infrastructure is based around supporting Microsoft Windows devices. Unfortunately this means we can not support Apple devices as they will not be compatible with our infrastructure, and would require significantly more resources to support both platforms within the school. We also can not support other types of devices such as Chromebooks or iPads for use in the classroom.

At St Helena we use tablet capabilities in the classroom in every year level. This means that that students need a device that has a touch screen and active stylus/pen. (There are more details specifications below).

Where can I get a device for my student?

St Helena has partnered with Learning With Technologies who are an education specialized provider with over 20 years servicing the education market in Australia. LWT service over 350 schools across Australia and are recognized as one of Australia’s largest and most comprehensive education technology providers.

St Helena has selected some specific devices that we believe are best suited for use in the classroom at St Helena, given our IT setup and infrastructure. We have negotiated with LWT to achieve the best possible pricing for the devices and the bundled warranty and insurance upgrades. We have also negotiated financing options to make purchasing the device easier (Including a 12 months interest free finance option). These devices include a default of 3 years on-campus warranty, and 3 years Accidental Damage Protection insurance. All devices purchased through LWT are able to have any warranty and insurance claims processed on campus, with minimum fuss and disruption to families and students. We have an LWT hardware technician on campus to support these devices and perform any repairs that may be required. See link above for the order portal

You are welcome to source a device from another retailer, however it will need to meet the minimum requirements (Listed Below) to be able to be connected to the school network. If your source a device from a provider other than LWT we can not provide any hardware support. Any warranty claims will need to be taken up with the retailer. If you are considering purchasing a device from another retailer it is strongly suggested you email our IT Helpdesk ( ithelp@sthelena.vic.edu.au ) with the details of the device you are considering to confirm it is suitable and a good deal.

All devices, regardless of their source will have the School Windows Image applied to them to enable them to connect to the school network. More details about the School Windows Image below.

What are the minimum hardware requirements?
  • Operating System: Windows 10 or 11 – Natively (Not 10s, or an Apple running Windows)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 – 8 th Gen or better, or AMD Ryzen 5 
  • Display: 11” FHD 1920 x 1080 resolution screen, supporting multi-touch and active stylus input (maximum size of 16”)
  • Memory: 8GB (16GB recommended)
  • Wireless: At least g/n Wireless(2.4/5.0 GHz)
  • Storage: At least 256 GB Solid State Drive
  • At least 7 hours battery (Note that advertised battery life is generally only achievable in lab conditions. Real life experience will be somewhat less, and variable based on what the device is used for that day.)

Please Note: Machines that do not meet the minimum technical requirements are not accepted at the College and will not be connected on the network. Strictly No Apple laptops allowed on School Network.

What is the School Windows Image?

The School Windows Image is a complete copy of Microsoft WIndows for Education, preconfigured and tested to work with the school’s IT infrastructure. This image has all the software required by students pre-installed and ready to use. The image contains the following software packages:

  • Microsoft Office 365 (Licensing is provided through the school)
  • Adobe Creative Cloud – access to most Adobe software is provided through the school and Department of Education
  • Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers
  • Microsoft Defender anti-virus and anti-malware. Any detections are automatically reported back to the school’s IT team to assist the student in resolving issues
  • Microsoft Software Centre (A software deployment tool)
  • specific management agents for reporting hardware problems and updating firmware.

Students do not have local admin access in the School Windows Image, and so do not have access to install software that is not listed in Software Centre. A number of approved software packages that may be used in the classroom are made available for students to install via Software Centre. If a student requires a software package for classwork then they can speak to their teacher to request that the software be installed on their laptop. If a student of family would like a software package installed that is not associated with classwork then we ask that the family/guardian fill out the “Family Request For Additional Software Install” form above, signed by their parents/guardians and bring the form to the IT Helpdesk and we would be happy to facilitate the install.

How does my student get support for their device?

The IT Helpdesk is available to students and families from 8am to 4pm each school day. You can email the helpdesk at ithelp@sthelena.vic.edu.au or call on 94388510.

We are happy to support any issues a student may have with their device, and suggest that in most cases the best thing for a student to do is to come to the helpdesk with their device (if the issue is related to charging then they should bring their charger as well). Students should come the the helpdesk before school, during recess of lunch time, or after school unless the issue is preventing them from doing their classwork. If they need to come during class time then they should go to class and speak to their teacher first.

We are more than happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents or guardians may have about a students device of use of technology in general.

We are here to support the students and their families, please feel free to contact us if you have questions.


For more information on college tours, ACE application and enrolment information at St Helena