Student Programs

The Cave

Year 8 Program & Year 10 Program

The Cave is a place to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of masculinity .The full-day, whole-cohort program provides boys with the critical emotional and social skills they need to lead flourishing lives for themselves, their relationships and their communities. The Cave is a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence charity that empowers boys to become great men. Using evidence-based workshops and expert facilitation, their programs here &


Year 8 Program and Year 10 Program

Flourish focuses on supporting girls to lead happier, healthier lives. They believe in the power of creating a safe and nourishing space for girls to build healthy and honest relationships with themselves and others.

Flourish is a not for profit charity that delivers Rites of Passage programs to girls and gender diverse teens between 13-18 years old. Their programs build their self-awareness, self-confidence and social connectedness within their school community and other trusted relationships.

Flourish (femininity) and The Cave (masculinity) will be delivered on the same day. Non binary students can self-select the sessions they would like to attend.

You can learn more about the programs here &

For further information or to request access to the recording of our 2023 Parent Keynote can be accessed by contacting Rachel Weiss


Whole School Approach & Year 7 Program

The Whole School Approach is a further adaptation of the original Tuning in to Teens™  (TINT) parenting program being led by Dr Christiane Kehoe. It includes professional training of teachers, a brief seminar series to parents and carers as well as a term-long student program delivered to all Year 7 students in STRIVE.

Elephant Education

Year 9 & Year 10 programs

In line with the mandated state-wide Consent curriculum, students will take part in workshops facilitated by trained presenters from the company Elephant Ed on the topic of sexual relationships and consent. This builds on curriculum taught in Health / Personal Development. 

This full cohort program focusses on consent, respectful relationships and sexuality education. Elephant Ed’s youthful and highly trained facilitators will attend across two days to deliver interactive, informative and engaging workshops to our students. These evidence based, age appropriate workshops aim to empower young people to make informed, positive and safe decisions about sexuality, relationships and growing up. For more information please see

Small Group Programs

Study Without Stress

SWoS is a program for senior students that equips them with knowledge and practical tips on how to approach and overcome the stress associated with heavy workload and exams in the final years of high school.  Students are encouraged to participate in the program before stress has reached a severe level, however the program can be beneficial at any time.  The program uses Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques to help participants get the most out of their final years at school whilst keeping stress to a manageable level.

RAISE Youth Mentoring

As part of a small mentoring group, participating students are paired with a trained volunteer mentor by the Program Counsellor. The student attends mentoring sessions through school term time to work one-to-one or in small groups with their mentor. You can learn more about the program here or contact the Wellbeing Team to enquire.

ICAN Network Mentorship

St Helena Secondary College was proud to become an I CAN School in 2023. I CAN School® mentoring directly empowers Autistic students with optimism, belonging, self-acceptance, pride and confidence. To learn more about upcoming programs contact Rachel Weiss


Delivered by trained and qualified Mental Health staff, Preventure is a prevention program for youth aged 12-18 that uses personality-focused interventions to promote mental health and reduce the risk of substance use. These workshops are designed to help students learn useful coping skills, set long term goals, and channel their personality traits towards achieving them, so that they can thrive in all areas of their lives. To learn more about upcoming programs contact Rachel Weiss

Parent Programs

Tuning in to Teens

Tuning in to teens is an evidence-based program that supports parents to feel more confident to

connect with their teens, understand their needs and challenges, support them to manage strong

emotions, and reduce conflict. This course provides a number of skills and strategies to help with everyday parenting challenges, based on emotionally-tuned parenting.

St Helena Secondary deliver a 3 session condensed version of the program as part of the Tuning in to Teens Whole School approach, as well as the intensive 6 week program in partnership with ParentZone

Parents Building Solutions Teens (St Helena)

St Helena Secondary College are proud to be partnering with Anglicare ParentZone in the delivery of Parents Building Solutions parenting program. This free 6 week program will provide families with strategies to develop and strengthen their parenting skills, understand why teens behave the way they do, help build connections and create positive change in families.

Partners in Parenting

Whilst not delivered at the College, the Wellbeing Team recommend the free, online, Partners in Parenting program to families navigating mental health impacting school attendance.

PiP-Ed is a new, updated version of the award winning, evidence-based parenting program ‘Partners in Parenting’. The program is designed to support parents of teenagers struggling with school attendance (often called ‘school refusal’) in the context of anxiety and/or depression, by equipping parents with strategies to improve their parenting confidence and support their teen’s mental health and education. The program is self-guided and completed entirely online. You can find out more


For more information on college tours, ACE application and enrolment information at St Helena