
 Term dates

 Term dates are available on the Department of education website : Click Here

Daily Operations

Bell Times

Period             Times

1            8.30am – 9.30am

Mini Break      9.30am – 9.35am

2         9:35am – 10.35am

Recess   10.35am – 11.00am

3         11.00am – 12.00pm

4          12.05pm – 1.05pm

Lunch        1.05pm – 1.50pm

5         1.50pm – 2.50pm

St Helena Secondary College runs four 60-minute lessons a day over a 10-day (two week) cycle.

108-minute VET classes operate outside normal school hours as this timeframe best suits the learning.


How many students do you enrol from outside the Restricted Neighborhood Zone (RNZ)?

This can vary from year to year, depending on how many students apply from within the RNZ and the number of siblings who apply. Having said this, in recent years approximately half of the Year 7 intake has come from outside the RNZ.

How far out of the RNZ do you normally accept enrolments?

Again, this varies depending on the number of applications from within the RNZ and the number of siblings applying. In the past few years it has ranged between 6 – 12km.

How many students do you have in each class?

The maximum class size from Years 7-10 is 26 for mainstream classes and Years 11 – 12 is 25. Some classes such as technology subjects have a smaller class size. The average class size in years 10 – 12 is approximately 20 – 22.

How many students do you enrol at Year 7?

The number of students varies each year and depends largely on the number of students exiting at the end of the previous year. In the last five years the Year 7 intake has varied from 260 – 312 students.

How many students do you have in each class?

The maximum class size from Years 7-10 is 26 for mainstream classes and Years 11 – 12 is 25. Some classes such as technology subjects have a smaller class size. The average class size in years 10 – 12 is approximately 20 – 22.

How many applications does the College receive each year?

There are always more applications than available places. Usually the College receives between 350 and 450 applications for Year 7 each year.

If you miss out on a place is there a waitlist and how are people selected from it?

Yes, every family not offered a place when they apply are offered a place on the waitlist. The waitlist is managed according to our enrolment policy, with the nearest family being offered the first available place and so on.

Does St Helena accept students from outside the zone based on curriculum grounds?

St Helena is government school that proudly serves all members of its local community. Therefore, all applications are considered on where they live, not individual applications. If two students live equal distance from the school and need to be separated, then a Curriculum Grounds Form is used.

Teaching and learning Queries

Are students able to study another language other than Italian?

All students in Years 7 and 8 must study Italian. In Years 9-12 it is an elective. Some students do study a different language, however this is usually done through the Victorian School of Languages, either in addition to their program at St Helena, or as part of their program depending on their Year Level and Pathways Plan.

Do students use their tablet notebook computers all the time?

Students are expected to bring their tablet notebook to all classes. While most of our curriculum is provided to students via Office 365 OneNote and students are expected to capture their learning in the same place, it does not mean students use their tablets for all learning tasks. Teachers determine the most effective way to engage students in their learning, requiring students to variously use their tablet notebooks, pen and paper or and specialised equipment.

How does St Helena support students who need extra support with their learning?

All students are at different points in their learning journey in each subject. St Helena personalizes learning to enable each student to achieve at least 12 month’s growth each year from their respective starting points.

Common classroom strategies:

The Years 7-10 curriculum is designed to accommodate a wide range of student abilities, interests and learning habits. This is called differentiation. It ensures all students are able to access and be challenged by the learning tasks. Student academic growth is measured formally every 6 months, however students are assessed regularly within each unit of work to track their progress. Each student has an Academic STRIVE Plan that is co-constructed with their STRIVE teacher and parents.

Support personnel, programs and strategies:

Student Wellbeing Team (2x Wellbeing Leaders, Chaplain, Education Psychologists and Counsellors).Pathways Centre (Careers Counsellor, VET, VCAL Coordinator and RTO Manager).Program for Students with a Disability (PSD)Individual learning plans (i.e. modifications within the classroom to accommodate the student’s known learning difficulty).Response to Intervention program for literacy and numeracy at Years 7 and 8Homework Club every Monday and Wednesday from 3-4pm in the library.

Providing pathways options. These include:

Accelerated Curriculum & Enrichment (ACE) program from Years 7-9Individual courses for students in Years 10-12 including advanced and foundation subjects An extensive VET program (7 courses on site and 25+ through the Northern Vet Cluster).Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) pathway in Years 11 and 12.Students accessing University subjects during their final year.

What is your policy regarding students and mobile phones?

From the start of the 2020 school year, mobile phones are banned in all government schools. Students may not use phones between the hours of 8.30 am and 2.50 pm. Phones must be stored in lockers. For a full version of the policy see our website under Information>A-Z Policies, Mobile Phone Exemption Request form is also available on this page.

How does St Helena deal with bullying?

Unfortunately, just like all other schools, workplaces and communities, at times bullying does occur. We take a zero tolerance to bullying and our approach is one that involves both consequences and an opportunity learn. This is detailed in our ‘Mutual Respect Policy’. The College is also committed to a restorative practice approach when dealing with any disrespectful behaviour, as this approach fits our values of Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best.

How does St Helena deal with bullying?

Unfortunately, just like all other schools, workplaces and communities, at times bullying does occur. We take a zero tolerance to bullying and our approach is one that involves both consequences and an opportunity learn. This is detailed in our ‘Mutual Respect Policy’. The College is also committed to a restorative practice approach when dealing with any disrespectful behaviour, as this approach fits our values of Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best.

For more information on college tours, ACE application and enrolment information at St Helena