Secondary School Nurse Program

Role of the Secondary School Nurse

The Secondary School Nurse works with the Wellbeing Team to improve the health and wellbeing of students and the school community. Students are better prepared for learning when they are healthy, safe and happy. The school nurse facilitates health promotion and health education activities in the school. Often it is helpful for students to talk to parents or other family members about health problems. If students would like support to do this, the school nurse can help.


Getting the right help

It is important to get the right information, from the right person at the right time. Being informed helps students make better choices. As well as providing students with information and support, the school nurse can also help them get in touch with other youth friendly health services in the local area.


Individual health consultations

The school nurse can also help students with information, guidance and support through individual health consultations that may include:

  • adolescent health concerns
  • managing stress and anxiety
  • relationships
  • safe sex
  • smoking, alcohol and other drug use
  • body image
  • healthy eating
  • cybersafety/cyberbullying
  • sexuality/gender identity


Your information is strictly confidential. It is not normally seen by anyone except the school nurse. Without your consent no one else, including your parents, Principal or teachers, can see your information unless an exceptional situation arises which requires them to have access (such as a medical emergency, you are at risk of harming yourself or others, or for legal requirements).

 Students can self-refer for Wellbeing Support or Secondary School Nurse Program via this form


Our multidisciplinary Wellbeing Team can support students with information, resources, referral to internal and external programs, and where appropriate brief short-term counselling. Our Year Level Managers are equipped to provide support across a range of challenges including learning, wellbeing, behaviour and pathways. Year Level Managers are supported closely by our Wellbeing Team. 

Wellbeing referrals can be made through the college by Year Level Managers.

Students can also self-refer for Wellbeing Support or Secondary School Nurse Program via this form

NOTE: for any immediate safety concerns, do not use this form. If you have immediate concerns for safety, contact 000 or present to your Emergency Department for assessment and support. For mental health triage services, you can contact Austin CYMHS (Child & Youth Mental Health Service). You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for information, assessment, and referral.  Phone: 1300 859 789.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Helplines and local services

  • Your local GP can provide you with additional support
  • headspace Counselling: Victorian Government secondary school students including those who have just finished schooling can access counselling services from headspace. During the holidays, you can self-refer by calling your local headspace centre.
  • eheadspace, online and phone support and counselling to young people aged 12 to 25 and their families and friends: 1800 650 890
  • Kids Helpline, online and phone counselling for young people aged 5 to 25: 1800 551 800  
  • Lifeline, crisis support and suicide prevention for all Australians: 13 11 14 
  • Beyond Blue, online and phone counselling for individuals experiencing depression and anxiety and their families: 1300 224 636
  • Head to Help, digital mental health resources from Australian organisations: 1800 595 212
  • Suicide Call Back Service, online, phone and video counselling for anyone affected by suicidal thoughts: 1300 659 467 
  • QLife: A national service that aims to keep LGBTQI communities supported and connected Phone: 1800 184 527 (3pm–midnight AEST)
  • Rainbow Door: Rainbow Door is a free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family. 10am-5pm. 1800729367

 Family violence support and resources

  • Safe Steps, support for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence: 1800 015 188 
  • 1800RESPECT, sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service (including information in 28 different languages): 1800 737 732  
  • What’s okay at home, a domestic violence resources centre:

 Emergency Mental Health Support

Please note that School Wellbeing is NOT a crisis support service. If you have immediate concerns, please contact the appropriate service below

  • For any immediate safety concerns, contact 000
  • For mental health triage services, you can contact The Austin CYMHS triage service. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for information, assessment and referral Phone: 1300 859 789

Welfare resources and information

Food Bank

Foodbank Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Government, delivers the School Breakfast Clubs Program in government schools across Victoria. At St Helena Secondary College, food resources are passed on to students for breakfast / snack where a welfare or food insecurity need is identified. Food items are also available if a student has forgotten their lunch or as a means to open conversation with a young person presenting in need.


Food Bank Victoria can also provide Home Food Packs for families that may not have access to sufficient nutritious food items at home. To enquire, please complete the self referral form available here: this form



CSEF Funding and State Schools Relief

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments to the school for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports and outdoor education programs. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. For more information on CSEF, please read here: Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund | (


If your family is eligible for CSEF, you can also access State Schools’ Relief for support with uniforms via the CSEF SSR Year 7 Uniform Pack. State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year via provision of a uniform voucher and school approved shoes. For more information, please read here: Schools – State Schools’ Relief (


State Schools’ Relief also provide support with uniforms if your family is facing difficulty and is unable to provide the appropriate uniform for your student. Please contact the Wellbeing Team via the School on (03) 9438 8500 to discuss your circumstances and explore eligibility.



Diamond Valley Community Support – Material Aid

Diamond Valley Community Support (DVCS) is committed to helping children at risk reach their full potential, and provides financial assistance to families who are experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to meet the full cost of school. Through KidsAssist they support eligible families with school related expenses. For more information, read here: KidsAssist Education | DV Community Support ( and via the DVCS Education Assistance Directory:  afb888_52b838a2e4e347bb99d7f8890be66adb.pdf (



Second Hand Textbooks

To access second hand textbooks, please see the below Facebook page. Please note – this page is run by parents for parents. The College does not control this page or the selling of textbooks.



School Laptops

LWT offer finance options via Latitude Financial Services or Zip Money.

Alternatively, you may wish to test your eligibility for a No Interest Loan via The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS).

What can be provided: Loan amounts from $300 to $1200 for essential goods & services, and Education essentials such as computers & text books. Eligibility: Applicants must hold a Centrelink Concession Card, reside in current premises for more than three months & show a willingness and capacity to repay the loan. How to Apply: Application process with NILS provider. Contact: Phone: 13 NILS (13 64 57) or visit to find the nearest provider


Second Hand Uniforms

St Helena Secondary College accepts donations of current uniform items in good condition. Please ensure items are laundered prior to donation. These donated items will be made available for sale, with the funds supporting our Welfare and Wellbeing programs at St Helena Secondary College. Donations can be handed in at the front office. Uniform & Books – St Helena Secondary College | Eltham North VIC 3095

If you require access to second hand uniform for welfare or financial hardship reasons, please complete the WELFARE UNIFORM / STATE SCHOOLS RELIEF APPLICATION FORM and return to our Social Workers, Sarah Russell or Jessica Causer. The form is available here: WELFARE UNIFORM STATE SCHOOLS RELIEF APPLICATION.docx (


Banyule Youth Services

Banyule Youth Services offer information, activities, resources and support options for young people and their families, and also provide strategic and operational advice to the sector and other Council service units on issues that affect young people. For more information, please visit their website: what we do – Banyule Youth Services



Looking for other supports or Services?

Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people who are in need with the services they need right now and nearby.

Ask Izzy


For more information on college tours, ACE application and enrolment information at St Helena