What does Assessment and Reporting Involves ?

It Involves..

·      The ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements to improve future student learning and teaching practice

·      Enabling regular monitoring of student learning, development and achievement. This allows for timely support and extension interventions.

·      Taking into account the uniqueness of each individual

·      Facilitating self-reflection, goal setting and the celebration of learning progress

·      And. Satisfying mandated reporting requirements

Teacher provides

• Information about student knowledge, skills and behaviour to inform the next stage of learning

• Ongoing constructive and timely feedback

• Opportunities for student reflection and self-assessment to support future learning

• Information about what students have learnt in relation to the curriculum

At St Helena the assessment and reporting of student progress is integral to the teaching and learning process.

Year 8, Laura

Everyone’s accepted for who they are at this school. And we’re open.

There’s communication about everything.

We compete (in a good way!) to see how far our best can take us.

STRIVE brings us closer together.

We’re given tasks to stretch us so we can show what our best looks like.

There’s a sense of mutual respect here.  It helps build positive relationships.

This school is close. We feel that we belong.


STRIVE interviews are held during Terms 1 and 3.

Years 7-10 reports include:

• Information about student knowledge, skills and behavior to inform the next stage of learning

• Ongoing constructive and timely feedback

• Opportunities for student reflection and self-assessment to support future learning

information about what students have learnt in relation to the curriculum.

• Teachers report on student achievement and progress with written reports at the end of each term.

• Each written report provides information about the student’s place on the Victorian Curriculum continuum.

While students develop at different rates, they broadly progress through a level of learning each year.

• The Victorian Curriculum specifies the subject specific knowledge, understanding and skills to be taught and the levels of achievement relevant to prep and above year 10 standards. Students are assessed against these standards.

• Work Habits – Approaches to Learning

Effort, Organization, Class Behavior, Work Submission and Learning Progress are recorded on a continuum of Not Satisfactory to Excellent.

Students are asked to reflect on and self-assess against each criteria during the term. This allows students to identify areas of strength, to set goals and engage with learning evaluation.

• STRIVE interviews are held during Terms 1 and 3.

• Years 7-10 reports include:

Assessment Tasks

These are major summative tasks such as end of unit tests or project work.

The student’s level of achievement is reported as assess against the Victorian Curriculum  standards. Detailed assessment commentary along with feedback related to the next steps of  learning are provided through assessment rubrics and test cover sheets.

Progress Tasks

These are smaller tasks completed within a unit of work that provide a snapshot of performance on a specific item of learning. Achievement is recorded on a scale of: Very Low, Low, Moderate, Good, Very Good, Excellent.

Overall Unit Level

This is the overall level achieved for the unit taking into account assessment tasks, progress tasks and classwork.

VCE reports include:

–  VCE SACs (School Assessed Coursework) – As part of a students work towards achieving their VCE, each unit has a number of SAC’s. These are reported as a percentage score.

–  VCE S/N grades. S (Satisfactory) or N (Unsatisfactory) grades are shown on VCE end of semester reports to reflect satisfactory or unsatisfactory demonstration of the unit outcomes.

VET and VCAL reports contain:

–   Unit of Competency. This is a reflection of progress with the VET or VCAL unit studied. It is reported as competent, not yet competent or not assessed.

All reports contain:

Next steps for improvement. This specific feedback is provided each term to inform the learning going forward.

For more information on college tours, ACE application and enrolment information at St Helena