Senior School

The Senior School curriculum at St Helena Secondary College encompasses Years 10, 11 and 12. Students may enrol in either the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), or the VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) via application, for their final two years of schooling. Students may also complement their senior school program with a Vocation Education and Training (VET) subject, focused on developing knowledge and competencies specific to a particular vocation of interest (e.g. trade pathways such as building/carpentry, electrical, hospitality, automotive, early childhood learning, etc.).

Studies are supported through the College’s Connect program for Senior School students. This ensures that study periods are timetabled into their learning program and provides a structured environment with teacher-access to complete study.

Students at St Helena Secondary College benefit from being able to complete a range of VET subjects (over two years) in our specialised classroom settings and receive a Certificate II or III qualification once successfully completed. As with our Year 9 curriculum, the Year 10 program at St Helena Secondary College mixes a number of core classes with a diverse range of 30+ Year 10 elective subject options.

Each year up to 50% of our Year 10 students undertake the ‘Early Start’ program and commence a Unit 1 & 2 (Year 11) subject as part of their Year 10 studies. Students who then proceed to complete a Unit 3 & 4 (Year 12) subject as part of their Year 11 studies have the advantage of experiencing the rigour of a VCE subject, learning what it takes to succeed before stepping into their final year/s of schooling, and having their ATAR calculated on six (as opposed to five) subjects.

Further, two Year 10 students each year are recognised with the University of Melbourne’s Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship. This presents an exciting opportunity of experiencing university life and taking part in a range of academic events and activities, to help students achieve their best – plus get a head start on their future studies and career! Students who are recognised with the Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship, once having completed their secondary studies, could be offered a guaranteed place in an undergraduate degree, financial assistance to move to Melbourne, and an overseas scholarship during their studies.

Owing to our significant size and resourcing, students at St Helena Secondary College are fortunate to be able to select from one of the largest ranges of VCE and VET subjects of any school in Victoria, ensuring we can cater for any pathway need in our Year 11 and 12 VCE programs. We are very proud of our high VCE and VCE VM completion rates and strong academic outcomes each year, and we are even prouder to say that all VCE students are entered for a scored VCE.

Key Events

  • Year 10 – Debutante Ball
  • Year 11 – Formal
  • Year 12 – Year 12 Study Camp, Formal, Graduation, Celebration Day
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