Student Leadership

Student Voice and Agency is integral to the decision-making processes at St Helena. There is a whole school commitment to empowering students and providing forums for discussion, input and feedback. This fosters leadership development and the active living of our values: respect, responsibility and personal best.

The end of year appointment of external applicants for teaching positions includes being interviewed by a panel of student representatives. Their comments and conclusions are factored into decisions made by the selection panel.

As representatives of the student body the Captains (2) and Vice Captains (2) are expected to model the college values, represent the school at events on and off campus, lead the our Student Leadership Program and actively contribute to the life of the College.

Wider captaincy roles for senior students:

  • The Arts: Dance, Performing Arts, Music
  • Sport
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

These leaders provide a link between the student body and the program leaders. They assist in the organisation of domain related events.

Each year level is represented by 2-year level captains. These students voice the ideas, opinions and thoughts of their year level peers at weekly meetings.

They help lead level assemblies, organise year level events and are alert to the needs of their cohorts.

Each House is represented by 2-3 house captains. These house captains represent their respective houses and support the house system at the College. By representing their mini-school, they are able to support the development of house based activities and gather support for our annual house events.

Peer Support for Year 7s (Year 10 Students)

Our Year 10 Peer Support Program provides students with the opportunity to volunteer as mentors for Year 7 students, helping them transition smoothly into secondary school. Peer Support leaders play a vital role in fostering connections within the school community by offering guidance, friendship, and support to younger students.

Year 10 volunteers participate in activities such as:

  • Attending the Year 7 camp to build relationships in a fun, supportive environment
  • Assisting with school events and house challenges for Year 7 students
  • Promoting connectedness by helping new students form friendships and settle into secondary school life

This program benefits both Year 7 and Year 10 students, with mentors developing leadership, empathy, and communication skills while making a meaningful impact on their school community.

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